Election Announcement

The Student Union of the School of Humanities and Applied Sciences HUMAKO will organise the elections for the Representative Council 2025 on 30.10.-6.11.2024.The nomination period for the elections has opened today 17.9.2024 and the nomination period will continue until 8.10.2024.
The elections will elect the Representative Council for the year 2025, consisting of 25 student members, 15 members and 10 deputy members. The elections will take place by electronic voting between 30 October and 6 November 2024. The language of decision-making and meetings of the Student Council is Finnish.
All members of the Student Union who have paid their membership fees by 7.10.2024 can stand as candidates. Candidates can form election alliances of 1-15 candidates. Each alliance must appoint a representative, who may also be a person from outside the alliance. The representative of the alliance shall complete the declaration of formation of an electoral alliance and each candidate shall complete a candidate form. Electoral alliances may form electoral rings of up to 30 candidates. A representative must be appointed for each ring and must complete the declaration of formation of the electoral ring.
The election documents must be sent as an e-mail attachment to the address vaalit(a) humako.net by 23:59 on 8 October 2024.
Why apply?
The Representative Council is the highest decision-making body of the Student Union, which approves the Student Union’s budget, elects the Executive Board and provides it with direction and guidance to promote its activities. As a member of the Council, you can also bring ideas for the development of the university of applied sciences and the student body to the decision-making table and act as a mouthpiece for the wishes of your fellow students. By serving on the Council, you can accumulate hours towards the credit for the course “Student activism”.
Who can vote?
All members of the Student Union who have paid their membership fees by 15.00 on 21 October 2024 are entitled to vote in the elections. You can check your voting rights by asking the Executive Director of HUMAKO. Requests for corrections to the electoral roll must be submitted to the Central Electoral Committee at vaalit(a)humako.net in writing, the date will be announced in connection with any elections.
The application form and all the materials needed for the elections are available on the Student Union’s website www.humako.net/edustajisto.
If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Miisa Mäki
Misa Mäki, Chairperson, Central Election Committee
miisa.maki (a) humako.net