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HUMAKO’s local activities

HUMAKO’s local activities, i.e. tutor, local division and team activities, are open to all Humak students. All members of HUMAKO can apply to become local actors. Actives can express themselves and organise activities that are tailored by their own personalities and the students wishes and needs. 

Any HUMAKO member who wants to contribute to a diverse and community-based student life at grassroots level can become a local actor. We are looking for local actors from all programmes, degrees, year groups and campuses – our aim is to offer as diverse an activity as possible through a variety of actors. Being a local actor is fun and rewarding and definitely one of the most memorable experiences of your student life, so feel free to apply to join HUMAKOs actives! It is possible to get 1-10 credits and a certificate for local activities.


As a HUMAKO tutor, you can help and support your fellow students with their study-related problems. As a Humak student yourself, you will be able to give other students important and valuable peer support in their studies and everyday life. Tutors also advise, guide and students from different year groups and support and promote a sense of community, wellbeing and activity. All tutor  activities are open to all, free of charge, alcohol-free and aim to minimise the threshold for participation.

Tutoring is carried out among students in a variety of settings, including online, on campus sites, and possibly face-to-face in different locations. Tutoring involves the brainstorming, planning, reporting and evaluation of activities. Activities suit different life schedules and circumstances flexibly.

Tutoring is coordinated by HUMAKO and all tutors are HUMAKO tutors. Therefore, students must have a valid Student Union HUMAKO membership to act as a tutor. Tutor activities are guided and supported by the local activities team of the HUMAKO board, as well as by designated tutor leaders and HUMAKO tutor teachers. So you don’t have to be a tutor on your own! In matters related to tutoring, you can contact the members of the HUMAKO boards local division through the email paikallistoiminta(a)

More information on the autumn 2024 tutor applying process will be published later.

You can find more information about different tutor groups from this link (link)

Division activities

In the local division you can have a concrete effect on the student life in your area. Divisions brainstorm and organise different student events and in addition collect feedback and effect change in their local affairs?

Divisions organise diverse student events that increase the sense of community and further the local student culture. Events can be aimed towards students in your own campus or they can be bigger events held together with other student organisations. In addition, divisions market and sell HUMAKO’s products, advocate for students locally and in their own part are a communication channel between students and HUMAKO. 

Division activities are coordinated by HUMAKO and the actives are members of HUMAKO. They are in short called division actives. Division activities are organised throughout the year and time can be allocated to the activities according to one’s own schedule. In this work the division is supported by HUMAKO board’s local division team, the division leader and other members of the division. Every active gets orientated to the activities of the division, the only thing that is needed is energy and ideas! If you have questions about the local division activities you can contact the members of the HUMAKO boards local division team through the email paikallistoiminta(a)

More information about the search for division members in the year 2024 will be published later

More information about different local divisions can be found here.


Teams are a new easily accessible form of local activities and currently teams are functioning in Tampere and Helsinki. The used time as a team member can be arranged by case-by-case basis. You can apply to be a member of a team any time you want, the applications are handled in two weeks from their arrival.

As a team member you can for example hold checkpoints in events, help in the kitchen in academic sitsis, plan events and organise info-events for new students. Teams combine tutor-and division activies to one singular activity in which members can participate according to their schedules.

Read more and apply!

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