Result of the representative election 2025

Humak University of Applied Sciences Student Union HUMAKO’s representative elections were held on October 30-November 6. The voting period started on 30.10. at 9.00 and ended on 6.11. at 15:00.
The most votes in this election were casted to electoral alliance Humakin Vihreä Vasemmisto and the candidate Miro Partanen
According to the vote count, there were a total of 578 persons entitled to vote. We got 169 votes. The turnout for HUMAKO’s representative elections was therefore 29,24%. The student union of the Humanities University of Applied Sciences HUMAKO’s representative council votes were distributed as follows:
Hylättyjä / Rejected: 0
Tyhjiä / Empty: 2
Vaaliliitto / Electoral alliance
Ehdokas (oma äänimäärä) laskennallinen äänimäärä
/ Candidate (own votes) calculated number of votes
2. Tarita Paqvalin-Kalliomäki: (11) 11
3. Jaana Viittanen: (10) 10
Opiskelevat Kokoomuslaiset (Kok)
4. Teresa Bäckström: (3) 5
5. Elina Kinnunen: (2) 2,5
Hyvinvoivat Opiskelijat Monimuotoisen, Oikeudenmukaisen ja
Kestävän Opiskelijakunnan puolesta (HOMOKO)
6. Miisa Mäki: (7) (7,5)
7. Essi Rikkola (8) (15)
Humakin Vihreä Vasemmisto (HuViVa)
8. Emmi Inberg (14) 33,7
9. Christian Karau (1) 12,6
10. Elina Liekkinen (11) 20,2
11. Niina Makkonen (5) 14,4
12. Aleksi Nerola (12) 25,3
13. Sanna Nylander (0) 11,2
14. Asanti Owusu (9) 16,8
15. Miro Partanen (32) 101
16. Susanna Punkari (17) 50,5
Humakon demarit (HuDe)
17. Janita Dahlström (18) (25)
18. Samuli Sundell (7) (12,5)
Following people were chosen to the 2025 Representative council:
According to the voting results:
Miro Partanen (HuViva))
Susanna Punkari (HuViva)
Emmi Inberg (HuViva)
Aleksi Nerola (HuViva)
Janita Dahlström (HuDe)
Elina Liekkinen (HuViva)
Asanti Owusu (HuViva)
Essi Rikkola (HOMOKO)
Niina Makkonen (HuViva)
Christian Karau (HuViva)
Samuli Sundell (HuDe)
Sanna Nylander (HuViva)
Tarita Paqvalin-Kalliomäki
Jaana Viittanen
Miisa Mäki (HOMOKO)
Vice members 2025:
Teresa Bäckström (kok)
Elina Kinnunen (kok)
The orientation and organizational meeting of the representative election is on 19 November 2024. At the organizational meeting, the representative council elects a chair and a vice-chair from among themselves. In addition, the board members for 2025 will be elected at the meeting.
A members of the student union can complain about the course of the elections, acceptance as a candidate or voter, and the counting of votes within fourteen (14) days after the end of the elections. Complaints are addressed to the secretary of the Central Election Board (aleksi.niemi(a) and must be made in writing.