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Student representatives

HUMAKO student representatives give students a voice in the UAS governance

Every working group at HUMAK has a student member who is responsible for ensuring that the student voice and rights are heard at Humak. The student representatives are the main and most direct channel to take the message from the students directly to the decision-making bodies of Humak. The working groups discuss, develop, brainstorm and decide on the direction that Humak should take. The HUMAKO advocacy team supports the student representatives through their term.

Humak’s student representatives take care of students’ well-being and work to develop educational programmes. Almost every student group has a student member who is responsible for monitoring the realisation of students’ rights at Humak.

Education and RDI group

Aleksi Niemi (executive director), vice-member Elina Liekkinen

UAS-development group

Niina Makkonen, vice-member Elina Liekkinen

The Quality and Governance Group

Elina Liekkinen, vice-member Aleksi Niemi (executive director)

Expertise group, community educator

Janita Dahlström, vice-member Niina Makkonen

Expertise group, cultural manager

Aleksi Nerola, vice-member Laura Laakso

Expertise group, interpreter

Lotta Erkkilä, vice-member Niina Makkonen

Student welfare group

Essi Rikkola and Maya Lehtinen, vice-member Kaisa Manner

Board of examiners

Janita Dahlström, vice-member: Lotta Erkkilä

The Board of the Finnish School of Arts and Humanities Ltd

2023-2024: Elina Liekkinen

Acting as a student representative

In addition to Humak staff members, Humak working groups have 1-2 student representatives who act as full members of the working group, just like the other members. The working groups generally meet once a month, in addition to which HUMAKO also organises peer support meetings for student representatives when necessary. HUMAKO instructs all student representatives in the working groups on how to participate in the working groups. The student representatives should read the meeting material before the meetings and after the meetings prepare a short note to be sent to the other student representatives for information on the issues discussed. There are no costs for the student representatives.

Information on HUMAK working groups

Student welfare group

The Humak-wide student welfare group addresses issues related to student welfare and responds and acts quickly in situations requiring practical action. The team includes, among others, student advisors.

Expertise sub-groups

Expertise groups are groups that deal with the main strategic, pedagogical and RDI issues related to the education and training in each of the expertise areas. The groups meet about once a month and include a student representative as well as teachers and senior lecturers from each campus.

There are three expertise groups; cultural manager, interpreter and community educator

UAS-development group

The UAS Development Group is responsible for the coordination and development of pedagogical activities at Humak. The group guides the implementation of pedagogical development programmes and takes into account the role of other development services – such as continuous learning, e-learning, internationalisation and language teaching and RDI activities – in pedagogical development.

The Quality and Governance Group

The Quality and Governance Group coordinates quality assurance and operational management at HUMAK. The group develops the quality, feedback and evaluation system and the performance management system and draws up related guidelines. The group’s task is to support the management and strategy work of the UAS, especially from the perspective of quality and operational management..

Education and RDI group

The Education and RDI group is Humak’s central decision-making body, where training and RDI policies related to development services are made. The role of the group is to ensure that the education and RDI services of the university operate according to the principle of shared responsibilities.

Board of examiners

The board of examiners is responsible for dealing with appeals concerning academic performance. It meets when necessary.

Humak board of directors

The Board of the Finnish School of Arts and Humanities Ltd. decides, for example, on the main objectives, strategy and guiding principles of the University of Applied sciences activities, takes care of its finances and decides on the number of students to be admitted.

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