Summer job checklist

It’s that time of the year again when that familiar and exciting pair of words is on everyone’s lips: summer job. Who got a job? Where did they get it? Do you know someone who has worked there before? What will it be like? In the middle of all this excitement you should keep in mind a few things:
- Do you have a certificate of employment from your earlier jobs? Your certificates of employment may qualify you for experience bonuses, so they can actually mean more money for you.
- Are you sure that your contract is an employment contract? In other words, make sure that it’s not a commission contract, a partner contract or something else. You should be careful that you do not unknowingly become an entrepreneur.
- When you have agreed on making an EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, you should do it in writing. When the contract is made, you will know that the start date, weekly working hours, pay, or other terms and conditions of employment can no longer change to your disadvantage. In principle a verbal contract is equally valid, but you can be in trouble in a situation where it’s only your word against the employer’s.
- You should check your pay to make sure that it’s correct. Look at least what period you have been paid for. Summer employees are also entitled to all additional compensations and to a holiday compensation when the employment ends. And you must get your pay on the agreed day.
- If problems arise, you have not received a certificate of employment, you have doubts about your pay, your work shifts are cancelled etc. and you are a member of a trade union, your shop steward will help you.
- If you are not in a trade union, the Summer Job Helpline 0800 179 279 offers a starting point for getting help with your problems.
- Enjoy the summer! Work can be really inspiring, you will earn money, and you will get your foot in the door that may open the way to more work later. And when you get your foot in, you should not stop there but pursue a foothold that may enable you to land on a job in your familiar summer workplace at graduation time.
Have a wonderful summer with a good summer job!
Important tip! When you travel in the summer, remember that our trade union members get a free travel insurance from Turva as a membership benefit – because unexpected things can happen on holiday. See also all our other benefits at