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The Representative Council

The Representative Council uses the highest decision making power in the student union

The Representative Council is made up of Humak students and the members of the council are called representatives. The representatives exercise the highest decision-making power in the Student Union and direct the activities of the Student Union Board in order to maintain the regular activities of the Student Union. The council meets live three times a year in Helsinki, and additional meetings are held online if necessary.

The council of representatives tasks include:

  • Choosing members of the board and student representatives
  • Deciding on steering documents
  • Deciding on the Student Union’s strategy and other documents
  • Deciding on the membership fee

Below are the members of HUMAKO’s representative council in the year 2024

  • Karau Christian (Humakin vihreä vasemmisto), chair of the council
  • Inberg Emmi, vice chair of the council
  • Bäckström Teresa (Opiskelevat Kokoomuslaiset)
  • Hjelt Johanna (Opiskelevat Kokoomuslaiset)
  • Ikonen Mari (Humakin vihreä vasemmisto)
  • Kinnunen Elina (Opiskelevat Kokoomuslaiset)
  • Niina Makkonen (Humakin vihreä vasemmisto)
  • Löytänen Olivia
  • Paqvalin-Kalliomäki Tarita
  • Punkari Susanna
  • Sundell Samuli
  • Widberg Janina (Feministinen HUMAKO)

Why should you run for the council?

As a member of the Representative Council, you will have a real say and influence on the student union. You will have the opportunity to get to know students from different campuses and degree programmes, see HUMAKO’s activities up close and personal, and broaden your understanding of the processes of our university of applied sciences and student union. 

The council is particularly suitable for students who want to participate and influence HUMAKO’s activities. You do not need to have any previous experience of HUMAKO or student union activities, the only requirement is a valid HUMAKO membership. The activities can be integrated into Humak’s optional courses.

Applying for a seat on the Representative Council

The election for the Representative Council is held in the autumn. Each candidate must fill in an online candidate form and if you want to form an electoral coalition or an alliance, you must fill in a coalition establishing form. Forming one of these is not compulsory, you can also be an independent candidate. Candidate forms and coalition establishing forms should be sent to the President of the Board by e-mail to humako (a)

All HUMAKO members are entitled to vote in the elections. You can promote your candidacy by campaigning on campus or on social media, participating in various events and encouraging fellow students to vote. In addition, those standing for election to the Representative Counci will respond to a public voting advice application which will be published before the elections.

For more information on the activities of the council and how to stand as a candidate, please contact Christian Karau, President of the Representative Council of HUMAKO, christian.karau (a)

More information about the next council elections will be published in autumn 2024.

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